My approach.

The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.

-CG Jung

The hardest things to talk about are the ones we ourselves can’t understand.

-Elena Ferrante

The practice I offer as a Jungian psychoanalyst sees in suffering and its symptoms a map toward wholeness, a path towards a rekindling of aliveness and agency.  Suffering and distress are seen for what they are: vital communications from the unconscious, offering a prospective path away from a doomed sense of feeling weighted and freighted, beholden to the past, and towards meaning-making, a rediscovery of desire, a rebirth of subjectivity.  


Psychoanalysis supports our efforts to make conscious the previously unconscious.  In so doing, conditions are created for the emergence of something that disrupts narratives — what we believe about ourselves — so that the new can appear.  This disruptiveness supports the creation of new spaces of personal and political creativity, new forms of collaboration and sociability. 

Through the practice of psychoanalysis, we may come to surprise ourselves, re-awaken our own subjectivity, come to know ourselves more deeply and intimately, and become, perhaps, something or someone we didn’t necessarily even know we wanted to be.


My treatment model involves the cultivation of a deep inner listening, to dreams, fantasies, fears and desires, excavating the past but always with an eye toward the future, predicated on the notion that the self yearns to be known. 

In this way, our work becomes not just an experience of increased self-knowledge, but a space of emancipatory possibility. 

Our creative capacities increase the more we make the unconscious conscious, accepting the impasse of ideal solutions, fashioning a life within our wounds, fissures, or rupture.  In this work, we will explore the ways in which we have defended against being influenced from within, illuminate how our lives have fallen our of synch with ourselves, and begin to chart the trajectory towards wholeness that is our birthright, acknowledging always the darkness that has to be lived out on the path towards wholeness. 


My method can be best understood as an experiment in living.  How much of our own complexity can we deal with, or even enjoy?  Freedom can be hard to bear. Our work together will help you to better shoulder the weight of your own freedom and even, perhaps, delight in its weightlessness.